Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"That's a stick, mommy"

Anyone that knows the Kamm's, knows we don't have a green thumb. All my "plants" in my house are either fake or succulents (the plants that you only have to water 4times a year - well, I only water them4 times a year). I recently received a really pretty white orchid at a work function and thought that it looked easy enough to maintain. "Water when soil is completely dry". Well, with a home on the market, work,  and cold and flu season with two kids that catch everything, I did not manage to "water when dry". Needlesstosay, it's not doing well.

It sits on our kitchen table, and one evening Harleigh was playing with the drying/dead like flower.

I told her, "Harleigh please don't play with mommy's flower".
Quickly she responded with a little giggle, "Mommy this isn't a flower it's a stick". As if I was trying to trick her.

I failed to notice that my stem was "brown" and to her defense it did look like a stick.

Zak and I still laugh about it, as I am still trying to resuscitate my "stick".

1 comment:

Ginger said...

She is very adept at your gardening prowess - cant get one past her!