Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Sister Quotes

The terribly two's are sometimes, well, terrible! However, they're also fun because kids really absorb so much at this stage and start to put pieces together in their communication skills. Harleigh loves, loves, loves being a big sister and being around babies. I'm not sure who she gets this from! The first thing she does when she wakes up or comes home from school is run right to Lawson. She gives him squeezes (often too tight) and nonstop kisses. Although we have to keep a watchful eye on her as she can sometimes try to 'take him out of his car seat' or 'swing him' (into the sky - and sometimes her face, because she hasn't grasp the "cause and effect" concept) we would rather her enjoy his company than not care. Harleigh talks to Lawson as though he understands what she is saying. Here are a few quotes she's been saying lately-

"Lawsy no pull my hair" (typically H is bent over L's head and he's got a solid grip on a handful of hair)
"Go to sleep and no wake up your friends" (I think she's picked this one up from school. Her teachers have often said that H is the last one to sleep and the first one up from naptime. We've had quite a few reports home with "No Nap" written on the schedule. I'm guessing she probably hears this a lot.)
"I no like that" (usually pertaining to food)
"ohhhh....beauuuutiful, mama" (after she paints my hands nails, she will compliment her work)
"It's okay, Harleigh here" (Anytime Lawsy or Brooksie is sad, H will go over and comfort them)
"Pew, Lawsy. Lawsy pee-oop" (I guess this is a combination of a pee and poop in Lawson's diaper? In other words, L needs a change)

We hope you enjoyed these! We certainly do!

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