Friday, April 6, 2012

Lawson's Birth Story

I wanted to post Lawson's birth story before I forgot as a way to remember how he entered the world. 

On Tues, Feb 28th I started having contractions throughout the day.  Nothing painful, but about once to twice an hour.  That night they began to become more consistent and stronger.  Since Harleigh was 3 weeks early and breach, this was my first time experiencing contractions.  I called my sister to be sure they were contractions and that I was in fact begining labor.  From 11pm-1:30am they became more and more consistent moving to every 5-8 min.  Zak was able to get some sleep during this time as I was wide awake.  At 1:30am I called my midwife to let them know I was 5 min apart and they told me to come in to the hospital.  I called my parents to come over to watch Harleigh.  At 2:30am we checked into the hospital and I went into the labor & delivery room.  They checked me and I was at 1cm, about an hour after they checked me I went from bearable contractions to intensely painful contractions.  I was at 3-4 cm and ready for the epidural.  Since just weeks before, my sister had her son and was unable to get an epidural, I was not about to miss out on my window to get one.  I sent Zak out to let the nurses know I was in excruciating pain and to get the anesthesiologist stat, apparently my cries of pain were heard, because Zak didn't have to ask the nurse to send in the shot of relief, the nurse said the anethesiologist was on her way and I actually got bumped up the list since I guess they wanted to shut me up before I scared the other moms! :) After the epidural, labor was much better.  They were watching my contractions and they were all over the board and lasting quite a long time (over 2 minutes!)! At 5 cm they broke my water (approx 4:15am), in hopes of moving labor along.  After another hour or so I was at 7cm so they started petocin, and hoped that would help baby boy drop lower in my pelvis.  Since I was having a VBAC, I couldn't have high doses of petocin as there were risks involved in doing that.  After they started the petocin, Mr. Lawson was not happy.  Apparently he wanted a few more hours of shut eye, and his heart rate started to drop.  After a number of hospital staff came in my roomm (midwives, nurses, doctors), they decided it would be best for me to have a c-section.  At this point, I had been up all night and a good portion of the night before (Harleigh was having bad dreams, probably "sister intuition" that her baby brother was on his way and that would be her last night as an only child).  At 12:27pm Lawson Philip Kamm was born via c-section.  He cried for a solid 30-45 min. Zak was a trooper and just continued to hold him and rock him while I was being sewn back together.  At this point, after laboring, having an epidural, and a spinal my eyes were rolling in the back of my head. Zak and I went to the recovery room (where we actually decided on Lawson's name).  Zak texted family and friends the good news. 

Later that afternoon, my parents stopped by with Harleigh. As usual, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to play a little prank.  Zak and I decided to tell my parents that we named Lawson, "Waggot Topher Kamm", and that he'll go by Wagg's. The expression on my dad's face was priceless.  He immediately looked at Zak and to my mom to see if anyone was going to crack a smile.  My mom did a really great job of "accepting" the ugly name that surely our son would be made fun of for the rest of his life, and asked how we were going to spell "Waggot".  After a minute or two, we told them that the baby's name was really "Lawson Philip Kamm".  You could see the relief on both of there faces.  It was hilarious!  I really wish I would have been able to get a video of the reaction, it was priceless!

So that's it in a nutshell.  Lawson's birth story, different from Harleigh's and memorable in its own way.

1 comment:

waggots aunt said...

Brooks and Landon LOVE WAGGOT!!