Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Joel Bob!

Happy 26th birthday to my "little" brother, Joel!  I hope you have a wonderful day.  In the spirit of birthday's, I want to share my top 3 presents Joel's given to me or family members:

1. Dried out marker, Scotch tape, and other supplies from around the house (Joel had a tendency when he was younger to wrap gifts for us, he would find our gifts around the house and wrap them).  One Christmas we had to us masking tape instead of scotch tape, as the scotch tape was already under the tree- wrapped.

2. Coupons.  Joel was the king of "coupons", and I mean handwritten coupons.  These were for things like cleaning our room, foot massage, doing dishes for us on our dish day, etc.  Typically, you could use the coupons, but only when it was convenient for Joel, and yes, they expired.

3. Stuffed Monkey.  This is a serious one, after I had Harleigh, Joel brought a stuffed monkey to the hospital for Harleigh.  The monkey had a bib, diaper, and paci.  This gift is special to us because it's one of Harleigh's favorites.  She loves her monkey and will carry it around or walk it in her stroller.  Zak and I have found her sucking on the monkey's paci at times as well. 

Happy Birthday, Joel Bob! 

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